CASSETTE(working progress)


As part of a residency and my first visit to Europe , I met a lot dancers and this cross cultural experience bought the inquest to gauge the difference between my body and theirs , does difference in culture show in the movement of our bodies , do we emote differently ?
And so in this quest , the idea is to investigate the dancing bodies from different background and culture.The core of process became an old recorder. Where the dancers records the voice and emotions (like cry, laugh , anger etc) And go on to improvise to their own sound. The product of this investigation intends to be spontaneous,improvised, playful , action and reaction between dancer , And be interactive with the audience to invite them to also engage to do the same on stage. Having started the practice around this idea , what is interesting to work with is how , different bodies find it difficult to emote different emotions, like for „Anger“ I found it easy to emote and hear myself but the same emotion with my collaborators found difficult to emote , as culturally I grew up in a space that was loud and expressive and they grew in a more guarded atmosphere. And this very little differences, that accounts for all that we grow up into . And that will make the process fun and interesting. As this festival provide a second leg to this idea , I would like to involve multidisciplinary artists and over span of 30 days and gauge how they would react to emotions with their own mediums .


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